I'm a writer and accessibility nerd, among other things, and I think a lot about ethical technology, speculative fiction, and intentional community.
I write about science fiction and fantasy for Skiffy and Fanty, and I blog about social justice, simple living, community, and spirituality for The Ruined Report. I also blog on this site, usually about books or accessibility.
Online, I'm more of a “blogs & email” person than a “social media” person, although you can find me on Mastodon. If you like what I write, subscribe to my blog or send me an email and say hi. Thanks for stopping by!
Recent Posts
Same-Page Links and Tabindex
Here's a few things I've learned and a couple changes I've made to this site.

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Accessibility Adventures: May 2024
Here's what I've been thinking about in the world of accessibility: tables, semantic css, web components, and more.

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How I Take Notes (Digitally)
Most of my digital notes live together in one system, a folder with Markdown files that I can compile together into a simple website.

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Accessibility Adventures: October 2023
Here's what I've been thinking about in the world of accessibility: certifications, ebooks, precise and unambiguous language, and more.

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